At Daye, we believe in building products that are rooted in scientific rigour. This means that we never want to get ahead of the science available. Like many other areas of gynaecological health, vaginal microbiome research has been underfunded for decades.
Vaginal microbiome screening is also not a common practice in clinical care today unless you go private.
A vaginal microbiome screen is used to understand the composition of bacteria in your vaginal microbiome. This can help you identify the presence of pathogens, which could be causing you recurrent vaginal infections (Candida, Gardnerella) or preventing you from becoming pregnant (Ureaplasma, Mycoplasma). If you're peri-menopausal or menopausal, you may want to increase your lactobacilli count so as to fight off vaginal dryness. If you have suffered recurrent UTIs, you may find a disrupted vaginal microbiome to be the cause. Knowing that you have a low lactobacilli count can also help you and your physician make informed decisions on your risk of a recurrent miscarriage or pre-term labour.
Not every physician, however, will recommend a vaginal microbiome screen, due to the method not being widespread yet. Please feel free to consult with your doctor before purchasing this test. If you require a simple bacterial vaginosis or candida test, you can get one for free from your local sexual health clinic.
It's also important to note that by testing your vaginal microbiome you are contributing to an increased global understanding of the best ways to detect and manage gynaecological health diseases, in turn bridging the gender gap in medical research and innovation.
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